Written By: Victoria Williamson ~ Assistant Sports Editor

Fallyn Belcastro competing at a show. Photographed by Caroline Gerke.

Jumping into the spring season with ease, the Lynchburg women’s equestrian team has already accomplished three non-conference wins for their record. With many competitive meets approaching, some of the girls have established a meet day routine.

Recently winning the MOP award for her over fences according to LHSN, junior Fallyn Belcastro has tasted early success at the spring meets. On the day of a meet, she has specific attire that gives her comfort as she prepares to ride.

“I wear the same lucky socks I was given when I was accepted into Lynchburg. I also always have the wooden cross I got from the Championships the first year in my left pocket, never the right,” said Belcastro.

Devyn Borden competes in a show on a rainy day. Photographed by Caroline Gerke.

Similarly to Belcastro, freshman Devyn Borden also has go-to clothing for show days. Even for the recent non-conference competition against Berry College, “I also always make sure to wear one of two belts before I compete. I use my completely black elastic belt for meets and my blue belt for regular shows,” she said.

Not only using clothing to prepare for a meet day, the hornets also use music to get into a competitive mode, “I have done the same thing every meet day, and I have a specific playlist I listen to on the way to the meet,” said Belcastro.

To prepare physically for the show, Belcastro and Borden both undergo many hours of practice to perfect their patterns and ready their minds.

“When I arrive on meet day I go over the pattern three times in my head and then I move on from it,” said Borden.

Once the time for the meet approaches, the team is ready to take on their competitors and be one another’s biggest supporters. “When our girls are riding, we cheer super loud for them in order to hype everyone up for the meet,” said junior Emmy Dolin

As their successful season continues, Lynchburg Equestrian athletes will continue to prepare; whether it be by going over patterns at practice, a motivating playlist, or a lucky pair of socks to do the job.

For more information and their spring season schedule, visit: 2023-24 Equestrian Schedule – Lynchburg Sports.

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