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Welcome Class of 2023

IMG_8948 Kelli Carter ~ Staff Writer

On Aug. 23 and 24, 2019 over 400 first year students moved into the University of Lynchburg. They seemed to be so eager to see what this year has in store for them, while their parents tried to hold back tears, seeing their children now taking the first steps to become an adult. 

     Olivia Potelli, a first year student, is hoping to become a nursing major and is excited to meet new people and start a new chapter in her life. While talking to Potelli, she seemed happy to be at the University of Lynchburg and she kept smiling. Potelli said, “I really cannot wait to get to know my class. I like meeting new people and I talk a lot so that might come in handy.” 

     Becky Defino, another first year student, and her mother, Allison Defino, are also excited to see what this year has in store. Becky said, “I am really excited to meet new people and new friends.” Her mom said, “She is going to grow with her sister, Abbie Defino, who is a senior and goes here, as well…and we are looking forward to a great year.” 

     Both Defino and Potelli are excited to settle down and call this place home. Both already know what they want to major in, and with a supportive community like Lynchburg, they can most definitely succeed in the field that they choose.

     Many first year students receive help on move-in day from different organizations on campus, such as the Bonner Leaders and Greek Life. Fellow Hornets tried their hardest to make the first year students feel welcomed. 

     Bonner Leader Jessica Fuentes, a junior at Lynchburg, said, “Move in was a great experience. It was fun meeting the new students and their families and giving them a warm welcome.” Many upperclassmen want to make the first years feel like they are home and can rely on them for help when they need it, just how Fuentes said. 

     All of the students that moved in are looking forward to see how this school year will turn out. 

     With the new students finally settled in on campus, and excited to see what is to come, the University of Lynchburg welcomes these new Hornets with open arms. Have a great school year and remember that it is always a great day to be a Hornet. 

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